Thursday, October 22, 2015

22nd October 2015, 8.38am

I'm the friend that everyone throws away after a while... I'm the friend that no one would care if they ever talked to me again..

Everything hurts today... Physically, mentally, emotionally.... I miss Zach so much... Everyone expects me to be okay since he left me a month ago... I feel like any time I tell people what's really wrong they just get annoyed... "Why be hung up on a guy that hurt you so much?" "Just get over him." "You're better off without him." I'm sick of it... All of it... I can't keep hearing the same things over and over... I just need someone to sit down and fucking listen... I need someone to hold me while I cry... I need someone to just try to understand why... No one wants to listen, though. They want there to be some sort of quick fix to get me back on my feet. It isn't that fucking easy. I was with him just over 13 months. I yearned for him for over a year before that... We'd dated for a couple months before that... He has and always will be the one that got away... I can't help it... How exactly am I supposed to get over someone who has had my heart for almost 3 years and counting now? I don't care how he treated me at the end. I don't care that maybe he isn't the one. He's the fucking one I want right now. He's the closest I've been to having the one. I can't stay mad at him. I can't no matter how hard I try and no one fucking cares. All they see is the bad in him... There's so much good... I just want him back... I could never hate him... Zach, if you're reading this I love you... I will always love you...

I have to go get ready for class....

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